Why you should move from Facebook or Meetup to ENDALGO for sports and activities?

If you're looking for alternative platforms to Meetup or Facebook to organize your sports and activities, ENDALGO is the best FREE solution.

Once you have created your group on ENDALGO, the most important thing is to continue the growth of your group. New users always want to join active groups that have many listings and members. So in the early stage, it's highly recommended that you bring your old members if you have one in other platforms such as Meetup, Facebook, or Band. 

All you have to do is continue sharing links to your ENDALGO listings and group on your Meetup and Facebook page. 

Example: Where to share links to your ENDALGO group and listings

1. In your Meetup or Facebook group description, let everyone know that you are exclusively using ENDALGO to post your events, registrations, and more, etc!

2. Continue to post your listings on Facebook and Meetup, but attach the link to your ENDALGO listings so that members know what they must join through ENDALGO. You can share links, screenshots, or download link of the ENDALGO app. 

Start listing events and more for your group. And let your members know at your previous platform or service that they would need to join ENDALGO to register for your listings. 


Below is an example of an announcement you can make to the members -- feel free to copy and paste with your own link.

We have switched over to ENDALGO to manage all of our schedules.

To join the group or just the events click this link to join and ENDALGO and register.

ENDALGO is a sports and activity app that helps people find, build, and sell their sports and activities. Please join now. 

If this does too difficult for you to do, we can certainly help you by guiding you through the steps or even do some backend or server-side support if necessary; just shoot us an email at support@endalgo.com.

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