How to offer discounts on ENDALGO events

To make your event more attractive and appealing to the users, you can offer discounts. You can also offer discounts to certain members by creating a membership. 

You will see the discount step if the event is a paid event. 

Step 1 - Add Discount

  • Automatic Discount - Offer a discount for all members or a certain group of members
  • Group Discount - Offer a discount depending on the group size

You can also add an automatic discount for certain members by creating a membership on your group page. 

Step 2 -  Select Discount

  • Select the discount that you want to offer whether it's automatic or group discounts
  • You can also set the end date & time for each discount. 


  • When users RSVP to your event, users will receive discounts depending on your offerings. 

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