How to manage group members on ENDALGO

Group admins have the ability to remove members from their group, as well as change the status of group members to admins. If the group is private, admins can also accept or reject join requests.

Managing Group Members

To manage group members, tap the Members button in the center of the group page to go to Members page. There are two tabs; All members tab and Admins tab. In the Admins tab, you can check the group owner. No one could remove the group owner unless he/she deleted the ENDALGO account. 

  • Remove a group member - tap the menu icon (…) next to their name and select “Remove from this group”. 
  • Assign a group member to the group admin - Go to the member's profile and hit the Edit button on the top right corner of the profile page. You can turn the switch on in the Group Admin area. then click the save button to update the member's status. 

NOTE: be aware that changing the status of a group member to admin gives them the same control over the group that you have if you're not a group owner. This includes the ability to remove your status as admin or remove you from the group.

Managing Join Requests

If your group privacy is set to private, users will have to request to join your group.  As an admin, you can choose to accept or reject any user who requests to join your group. To see and manage your group join requests, navigate to “Group Settings” (explained above) and then tap “Join Requests”.

From here you can accept or reject any users who have requested to join your group.

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